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Buddleia Pugster Blue: The Ultimate Guide To Growing This Stunning Butterfly Bush

Buddleia Pugster Blue is a popular butterfly bush that is known for its compact size, fragrant flowers, and long blooming season. This plant is a great addition to any garden, and it is relatively easy to care for.

In this blog post, we will provide an ultimate guide to growing Buddleia Pugster Blue. We will cover everything from planting and care to pests and diseases. By the end of this post, you will be an expert on growing this stunning butterfly bush.


Buddleia Pugster Blue is a hybrid butterfly bush that was developed by Proven Winners. This plant is a cross between Buddleia davidii and Buddleia alternifolia. The result is a compact plant that is only 2-3 feet tall and wide.

Pugster Blue has large, fragrant flowers that are a deep blue color. The flowers bloom from early summer to frost. This plant is a magnet for butterflies, bees, and other pollinators.

Planting and Care

Pugster Blue is a relatively easy plant to care for. It prefers full sun and well-drained soil. The plant does not require a lot of water, but it is important to water it deeply during hot, dry weather.

Pugster Blue is a hardy plant that can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. It is hardy in USDA zones 5-9.

Pests and Diseases

Pugster Blue is not susceptible to many pests or diseases. However, it can be susceptible to aphids, spider mites, and powdery mildew. If you notice any pests or diseases, you can treat them with an appropriate pesticide or fungicide.


Pugster Blue can be propagated by cuttings or division. Cuttings are the best way to propagate this plant. Take cuttings in the spring or summer from healthy, new growth.


Buddleia Pugster Blue is a beautiful and easy-to-grow butterfly bush. This plant is a great addition to any garden, and it will provide you with years of enjoyment.

If you are looking for a stunning butterfly bush that is compact, fragrant, and long-blooming, then Buddleia Pugster Blue is the perfect plant for you.

Buddleia Pugster Blue is a beautiful and fragrant shrub that is sure to attract butterflies to your garden. It grows to be 2-3 feet tall and has large, drooping spikes of blue flowers. The flowers have a honey-like fragrance that is irresistible to butterflies.

If you are interested in learning more about Buddleia Pugster Blue, please visit Garden Wiki. This website has a wealth of information about this plant, including its care requirements, planting instructions, and pest and disease prevention tips.

FAQ of buddleia pugster blue

Q: How much sun does Pugster Blue need?

A: Pugster Blue needs full sun, at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. It will not flower as well in partial shade.

Q: What kind of soil does Pugster Blue prefer?

A: Pugster Blue is not particular about soil type, as long as it drains well. It prefers average soil, but can also tolerate poor soil.

Q: How much water does Pugster Blue need?

A: Pugster Blue has average water needs. Water it deeply once a week, or more often during hot, dry weather.

Q: How do I care for Pugster Blue in winter?

A: Pugster Blue is a hardy plant and can withstand cold winter weather. However, it is best to protect it from harsh winds and heavy snow. You can do this by wrapping the plant in burlap or another protective covering.

Q: How do I propagate Pugster Blue?

A: Pugster Blue can be propagated by cuttings or division. To propagate by cuttings, take 6-inch cuttings from the plant in early spring or fall. Dip the cuttings in rooting hormone and plant them in a well-draining potting mix. Keep the cuttings moist and in a warm location until they root. To propagate by division, dig up the plant in early spring or fall and divide it into two or three sections. Replant the divisions in a sunny location.

Q: What are some common pests and diseases of Pugster Blue?

A: The most common pests of Pugster Blue are aphids, spider mites, and scale insects. These pests can be controlled with insecticidal soap or neem oil. The most common disease of Pugster Blue is powdery mildew. This disease can be prevented by watering the plant in the morning so that the leaves dry off before nightfall. If powdery mildew does occur, you can treat it with a fungicide.

Image of buddleia pugster blue

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